Persoane interesate

marți, 6 martie 2012

EN: Disease

Am citit postarea lui cLyyo cu poezia lui Marin Sorescu, Boala si ma gandeam ce interesant ar suna in engleza:

Doctore, simt ceva mortal
Aici, in regiunea fiintei mele
Ma dor toate organele,
Ziua ma doare soarele
Iar noaptea luna si stelele.
Mi s-a pus un junghi in norul de pe cer
Pe care pana atunci nici nu-l observasem
Si ma trezesc in fiecare dimineata
Cu o senzatie de iarna.
Degeaba am luat tot felul de medicamente
Am urat si am iubit, am invatat sa citesc
Si chiar am citit niste carti
Am vorbit cu oamenii si m-am gandit,
Am fost bun si-am fost frumos…
Toate acestea n-au avut nici un efect, doctore
Si-am cheltuit pe ele o groaza de ani.
Cred ca m-am imbolnavit de moarte
Intr-o zi
Cand m-am nascut.
Doctor, I feel something deadly
Here, in the region of my being
All my organs hurt,
The sun hurts during the day
And at night, the moon and stars.
I have a twinge of pain in the cloud in the sky
That I hadn’t noticed until then
And I wake up every morning
With a feeling of winter.
In vain I took all kinds of drugs
I hated and I loved, I learned to read
And I even read some books
I talked to people and I pondered,
I was good and I was beautiful ...
All this had no effect, doctor,
And I spent on them many years.
I think I caught this disease, death
One day
When I was born.

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